Victor Uzoechi

20 Years of Service Award

Victor Uzoechi


Head, Infrastructure Planning & Quality, Infrastructure Division

About Me

I joined ipNX in 2001 – that was before the name change from Netco Services Limited. While we – a group of ten of us – were officially employed by Telnet, the GMD at the time, Dr. Denloye, while meeting with us in the course of interview as well as the orientation process informed each one of us that we were actually being hired for a new company that would soon commence operations. It turned out that we were drafted into a yet another innovative pacesetting model of business in Nigeria in the telecoms sector. The Organization have continued to evolve significant and leading innovations that never failed to grab the attention of the industry as well as customers since then.

One thing you're proud of (an achievement, trait, skill):

I have built, influenced and affected people in the course working with colleagues. I am overjoyed when, from time to time, I receive such feedbacks especially from those who consider my interaction with them as part of their success story.


Most interesting moment while in ipNX:

There had been great moments. At the outset of my career, while still being a young engineer, I was entrusted with the development, design and deployment of the STDMA-based VSAT hub system that was also using TCP/IP internetworking protocols. We were diversifying from the FDMA-based VSAT hub system. 

In general, my interesting moments in ipNX had been living through and participating in changes, not a few are disruptive, that ipNX and the industry as a whole had undergone in various spheres – technologies, business models, service models, and so on.


Lessons learnt while working here:

The can-do spirit of ipNX had moved from a slogan to being etched in the organization’s DNA and in my personal DNA as well. Start from where you are, with what you know and with what you have got and collaborate and then you may just find all the help you need to achieve.


What quote (s) explain your philosophy for life:

  • -A good way to predict the future is to build it – Lex Fridman 


  • -Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world – Albert Einstein


  • -Tell me what is not possible if we ever to dare to imagine it long enough, hard enough and work at it enough? – Own Quote