Folahade Efiong-Bassey

“You can be illimitable”- Folashade Efiong-Bassey

15 Years of Service Award

Folahade Efiong-Bassey


Executive Director, Corporate Services

Proudest moments

Wow. So many proud and happy moments.  Working with a team of dedicated, passionate people to pioneer the Corporate Services function and organizational growth engine, from about 50 staff to over 350 staff in multiple locations (I remember the days of plastic chairs and carton tables!) Ideation from myself and my team that have been adopted as best practices, standards with many evolving into systems.

The sense of satisfaction when employees that the recruitment team have selected into the organization perform excellently.  Identifying talent and leadership in colleagues even before they realise it in themselves – cheering them on as they go on to deliver. Being part of the Dream Team. Being the first non-techy in the Techinvest Group to be approved to go for the prestigious EMBA program then; and acing the program, whilst coping with work and 3 small children.

Being one of the first two non-tech females to be appointed Executive Directors privileged to serve on the board. What glass ceiling?  Not in ipNX! Being part of an organization that delivers firsts in the industry. Being part of a leadership with courageous values that are uncommon in the country.

Memorable moments

Looking back….the whole vista is an interesting network of connected dots. A roller coaster. Blazing the trail with our FOS service; gaining a new account, no matter how small or big; hearing a customer say “ I’m happy”; realizing that a high performing Leader of today, now married with spouse and kids was once a fresh-cheeked NYSC interviewed years ago. Learning something new every day.

There have been no ordinary moments. There is always something wonderful and meaningful going on.

Lessons learnt

That ipNX is a great place to work and grow. That people can be a well of untapped opportunities and abilities. That inspired staff in an enabling and ordered environment are the competitive advantage in any organization.

That it takes Courage and steadfastness to grow a business. That you can get blood from stone.

That Work is not only about what you are earning, but about what you are Becoming; and the Authenticity of your Leadership.

Philosophy of life

Haha. So many. You know I won’t answer with just 1 quote! Here are a few:

Single Phrase Quotes

“Hustle beats talent if talent doesn’t hustle”

“You can be illimitable”- Folashade Efiong-Bassey

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story” – Chimamanda N. Adichie

“Identity drives behaviour” and “ All behaviour is belief determined”

“What you believe is the limit of what you can achieve” Michio Kaku

“Your greatest power is your ability to choose your thoughts, thereby creating your own world. Change your thoughts, and the world changes for you.”

“Energy flows where attention goes”

“ Nothing has any Meaning except what you give it” Enahoro Okhae

“ Your Brain is like a supercomputer, and your self – talk is the program it will run” – Jim Kwik

“ A solitary fantasy will transform a million realities” – Maya Angelou

“Complexity is the enemy of execution” – Tony Robbins

“In extreme marathon type activities, mental determination is a more important factor than the physical energy of youth” -Diane Nyad

“ Mothers can do anything. They give birth, they build families, they build the world. All of our Mothers are queens, and are leading the Universe” – Adeyemi Michael

Complete Essay Quotes:

“ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure……” Return to love, by Marianne Williamson

“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons…” Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

“ I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul…I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul….” Invictus by William Ernest Henley

“ You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards…..” Steve Jobs