Njoku Michael

5 Years of Service Award

Njoku Michael


Performance Management & Productivity Specialist, Corporate Centre

A bit about me

Michael is a dedicated professional
overseeing the performance management
function at ipNX, known for his
transformative impact on the company. 
Among his significant achievements is the 
implementation of result-oriented KPIs across the 
organization and the digitization of the appraisal 
process, enhancing its efficiency. Michael’s 
exceptional interpersonal skills have been 
pivotal in fostering a culture of performance
significantly boosting compliance levels throughout 
Throughout his tenure, Michael has learned 
the critical importance of meticulous planning 
and treating every task as a project. 
He believes in identifying clear objectives for
each task before devising a strategy to accomplish it.
A firm advocate of continuous improvement,
Michael is inspired by Stephen Covey’s quote,
“Unless you’re continually
improving your skills, you’re quickly 
becoming irrelevant.” 
This philosophy drives him to seek self-improvement
and  strive to become a better version of himself each day.