5 Years of Service Award

Ezekiel Nwoke


Account Manager Business Operations Sales (North) Business Division

One thing you're proud of (an achievement, trait, skill)

Ever since joining ipNX, I have become

an even better sales person, with better

understanding of the sales process and

what quality means. I have gained first-hand

understanding of what collaboration,

patience and perseverance mean in sales.

I am proudly a better me.

Memorable moments

Most interesting moment while in

ipNX Every moment in ipNX is

interesting because you never

know what wonder management

might pull out their hat the next

minute. It has been a roller coaster,

never a dull moment.

Lessons learnt

  • A tree can never make a forest
  • Every opportunity added to the pipeline, is a potential paying customer.
  • Never accept No for an answer.


Philosophy of life

“Do unto the other as you

will want done to you”