Busola Adesunloye

5 Years of Service Award

Busola Adesunloye


Team Lead, Service Fulfilment, Infrastructure Division

About Me

I am very a passionate, fierce and driven

“girl” with lots of dreams about my future.

I refer to myself as “lazy” because I will

always find the fastest, most efficient and

effective solutions to challenges and will

never back down from one either. I can be

stubborn like that. I am fun loving, a little

bit introverted but when I am out, I go all out.
Recently, I got to experience a side to ipNX

that has shown me how lucky I am to be a

part of this amazing family. I have felt love

and support in ways I never imagined and

would never forget.
I am very proud to be a part of this family.

Lessons learnt

In my years with ipNX, one key thing

I have learnt and still mesmerized by

is how the organization pushes you to

be a better version of yourself in so

many ways.

Philosophy of life

Do what you can, with what you have,

where you are.” This makes me to

always push the boundaries of limitation

regardless of the circumstances.