Awa Kalu

"Live life to the full."

5 Years of Service Award

Awa Kalu


Head, Service Fulfillment & Improvement

A bit about me

Life, to me, has been about understanding the world around me, acquiring & applying critical skills, continuously being better and influencing change.

These values continue to influence my life; education, career, family, and relationship.

They have guided my humble accomplishments e.g. holding four different roles in ipNX; a similar trend in previous organizations I have worked.

Memorable moments

Managing the Roll-out of the FTTH network and serving as the Business Analyst in the development of the ESFS application that replaced the Corporate OTRS. They were both pioneer projects, were quite challenging and offered ipNX great value.

Lessons learnt

The key lessons I have learnt while working in ipNX is the necessity & value of adaptability. Change is a constant in life and the most prepared we are, the better we can leverage on the immense opportunity it can bring.

Philosophy of life

A quote that readily defines my approach to life says “Live Life To The Full“. To me, it simply means, giving every goal/task my very best, or don’t bother trying.

I can’t end this bio without expressing my immense gratitude to my loving wife and 3 pesky but amazing kids for the stability & purpose they bring to my life.