Elvis Owobu

15 Years of Service Award

Elvis Owobu


Head, Core & Provisioning – North

One thing you're proud of (an achievement, trait, skill):

As an employee of ipNX and a team lead, I am proud of being able to always build high performing teams which meet and exceed expectations. Also, I am very proud of winning the Business Division 2021 Customer Service Week Super colleague of the year award.

Most interesting moment while in ipNX:

As an Engineer, having the opportunity to use ipNX cutting edge solutions to establish connectivity between families, friends and businesses (especially at rig locations). The Excitement and Happiness our customers show are always interesting moments for me in ipNX.

Lessons learnt while working here:

In ipNX I have learnt to always uphold the tenets of honesty and integrity in all I do. These values have proven over the years to be key requirement for success in business and life generally.

What quote (s) explain your philosophy for life:

With God all Things are possible  Matthew 19:26.

“If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving. Martin Luther King Jr.”.